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idstringA unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a specific node pool.
namestringA human-readable name for the node pool.
auto_scalebooleanA boolean value indicating whether auto-scaling is enabled for this node pool.
countintegerThe number of Droplet instances in the node pool.
labelsobjectAn object containing a set of Kubernetes labels. The keys and are values are both user-defined.
max_nodesintegerThe maximum number of nodes that this node pool can be auto-scaled to. The value will be 0 if auto_scale is set to false.
min_nodesintegerThe minimum number of nodes that this node pool can be auto-scaled to. The value will be 0 if auto_scale is set to false.
nodesarrayAn object specifying the details of a specific worker node in a node pool.
sizestringThe slug identifier for the type of Droplet used as workers in the node pool.
tagsarrayAn array containing the tags applied to the node pool. All node pools are automatically tagged k8s, k8s-worker, and k8s:$K8S_CLUSTER_ID.
taintsarrayAn array of taints to apply to all nodes in a pool. Taints will automatically be applied to all existing nodes and any subsequent nodes added to the pool. When a taint is removed, it is removed from all nodes in the pool.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_nodePoolSELECTcluster_id, node_pool_idTo show information about a specific node pool in a Kubernetes cluster, send
a GET request to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/node_pools/$NODE_POOL_ID.
list_nodePoolsSELECTcluster_idTo list all of the node pools in a Kubernetes clusters, send a GET request to
add_nodePoolINSERTcluster_id, data__count, data__name, data__sizeTo add an additional node pool to a Kubernetes clusters, send a POST request
to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/node_pools with the following
delete_nodePoolDELETEcluster_id, node_pool_idTo delete a node pool, send a DELETE request to

A 204 status code with no body will be returned in response to a successful
request. Nodes in the pool will subsequently be drained and deleted.
_get_nodePoolEXECcluster_id, node_pool_idTo show information about a specific node pool in a Kubernetes cluster, send
a GET request to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/node_pools/$NODE_POOL_ID.
_list_nodePoolsEXECcluster_idTo list all of the node pools in a Kubernetes clusters, send a GET request to
recycle_node_poolEXECcluster_id, node_pool_idThe endpoint has been deprecated. Please use the DELETE
method instead.
update_nodePoolEXECcluster_id, node_pool_id, data__count, data__nameTo update the name of a node pool, edit the tags applied to it, or adjust its
number of nodes, send a PUT request to
/v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/node_pools/$NODE_POOL_ID with the
following attributes.