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completed_atstringA time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the schedule clusterlint run request was completed.
diagnosticsarrayAn array of diagnostics reporting potential problems for the given cluster.
requested_atstringA time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the schedule clusterlint run request was made.
run_idstringId of the clusterlint run that can be used later to fetch the diagnostics.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_clusterLintResultsSELECTcluster_idTo request clusterlint diagnostics for your cluster, send a GET request to
/v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/clusterlint. If the run_id query
parameter is provided, then the diagnostics for the specific run is fetched.
By default, the latest results are shown.

To find out how to address clusterlint feedback, please refer to
the clusterlint check documentation.
run_clusterLintEXECcluster_idClusterlint helps operators conform to Kubernetes best practices around
resources, security and reliability to avoid common problems while operating
or upgrading the clusters.

To request a clusterlint run on your cluster, send a POST request to
/v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/clusterlint. This will run all
checks present in the doks group by default, if a request body is not
specified. Optionally specify the below attributes.

For information about the available checks, please refer to
the clusterlint check documentation.