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idstringA unique ID that can be used to identify and reference the check.
namestringA human-friendly display name.
typestringThe type of health check to perform.
enabledbooleanA boolean value indicating whether the check is enabled/disabled.
regionsarrayAn array containing the selected regions to perform healthchecks from.
targetstringThe endpoint to perform healthchecks on.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
check_getSELECTcheck_idTo show information about an existing check, send a GET request to /v2/uptime/checks/$CHECK_ID.
listSELECTTo list all of the Uptime checks on your account, send a GET request to /v2/uptime/checks.
check_createINSERTdata__enabled, data__name, data__regions, data__target, data__typeTo create an Uptime check, send a POST request to /v2/uptime/checks specifying the attributes
in the table below in the JSON body.
check_deleteDELETEcheck_idTo delete an Uptime check, send a DELETE request to /v2/uptime/checks/$CHECK_ID. A 204 status
code with no body will be returned in response to a successful request.

Deleting a check will also delete alerts associated with the check.
_check_getEXECcheck_idTo show information about an existing check, send a GET request to /v2/uptime/checks/$CHECK_ID.
_listEXECTo list all of the Uptime checks on your account, send a GET request to /v2/uptime/checks.
check_updateEXECcheck_idTo update the settings of an Uptime check, send a PUT request to /v2/uptime/checks/$CHECK_ID.