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descriptionstringA string describing the class of Droplets created from this size. For example: Basic, General Purpose, CPU-Optimized, Memory-Optimized, or Storage-Optimized.
availablebooleanThis is a boolean value that represents whether new Droplets can be created with this size.
diskintegerThe amount of disk space set aside for Droplets of this size. The value is represented in gigabytes.
memoryintegerThe amount of RAM allocated to Droplets created of this size. The value is represented in megabytes.
price_hourlynumberThis describes the price of the Droplet size as measured hourly. The value is measured in US dollars.
price_monthlynumberThis attribute describes the monthly cost of this Droplet size if the Droplet is kept for an entire month. The value is measured in US dollars.
regionsarrayAn array containing the region slugs where this size is available for Droplet creates.
slugstringA human-readable string that is used to uniquely identify each size.
transfernumberThe amount of transfer bandwidth that is available for Droplets created in this size. This only counts traffic on the public interface. The value is given in terabytes.
vcpusintegerThe integer of number CPUs allocated to Droplets of this size.


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