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uuidstringThe namespace's Universally Unique Identifier.
api_hoststringThe namespace's API hostname. Each function in a namespace is provided an endpoint at the namespace's hostname.
created_atstringUTC time string.
keystringA random alpha numeric string. This key is used in conjunction with the namespace's UUID to authenticate
a user to use the namespace via doctl, DigitalOcean's official CLI.
labelstringThe namespace's unique name.
namespacestringA unique string format of UUID with a prefix fn-.
regionstringThe namespace's datacenter region.
updated_atstringUTC time string.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_namespaceSELECTnamespace_idGets the namespace details for the given namespace UUID. To get namespace details, send a GET request to /v2/functions/namespaces/$NAMESPACE_ID with no parameters.
list_namespacesSELECTReturns a list of namespaces associated with the current user. To get all namespaces, send a GET request to /v2/functions/namespaces.
create_namespaceINSERTdata__label, data__regionCreates a new serverless functions namespace in the desired region and associates it with the provided label. A namespace is a collection of functions and their associated packages, triggers, and project specifications. To create a namespace, send a POST request to /v2/functions/namespaces with the region and label properties.
delete_namespaceDELETEnamespace_idDeletes the given namespace. When a namespace is deleted all assets, in the namespace are deleted, this includes packages, functions and triggers. Deleting a namespace is a destructive operation and assets in the namespace are not recoverable after deletion. Some metadata is retained, such as activations, or soft deleted for reporting purposes.
To delete namespace, send a DELETE request to /v2/functions/namespaces/$NAMESPACE_ID.
A successful deletion returns a 204 response.
_get_namespaceEXECnamespace_idGets the namespace details for the given namespace UUID. To get namespace details, send a GET request to /v2/functions/namespaces/$NAMESPACE_ID with no parameters.
_list_namespacesEXECReturns a list of namespaces associated with the current user. To get all namespaces, send a GET request to /v2/functions/namespaces.