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droplet``The Droplet that the floating IP has been assigned to. When you query a floating IP, if it is assigned to a Droplet, the entire Droplet object will be returned. If it is not assigned, the value will be null.
ipstringThe public IP address of the floating IP. It also serves as its identifier.
lockedbooleanA boolean value indicating whether or not the floating IP has pending actions preventing new ones from being submitted.
project_idstringThe UUID of the project to which the reserved IP currently belongs.
regionobjectThe region that the floating IP is reserved to. When you query a floating IP, the entire region object will be returned.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
floatingIPs_getSELECTfloating_ipTo show information about a floating IP, send a GET request to /v2/floating_ips/$FLOATING_IP_ADDR.
floatingIPs_listSELECTTo list all of the floating IPs available on your account, send a GET request to /v2/floating_ips.
floatingIPs_createINSERTOn creation, a floating IP must be either assigned to a Droplet or reserved to a region.
To create a new floating IP assigned to a Droplet, send a POST
request to /v2/floating_ips with the droplet_id attribute.

To create a new floating IP reserved to a region, send a POST request to
/v2/floating_ips with the region attribute.

Note: In addition to the standard rate limiting, only 12 floating IPs may be created per 60 seconds.
floatingIPs_deleteDELETEfloating_ipTo delete a floating IP and remove it from your account, send a DELETE request
to /v2/floating_ips/$FLOATING_IP_ADDR.

A successful request will receive a 204 status code with no body in response.
This indicates that the request was processed successfully.
_floatingIPs_getEXECfloating_ipTo show information about a floating IP, send a GET request to /v2/floating_ips/$FLOATING_IP_ADDR.
_floatingIPs_listEXECTo list all of the floating IPs available on your account, send a GET request to /v2/floating_ips.