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idstringA unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a firewall.
namestringA human-readable name for a firewall. The name must begin with an alphanumeric character. Subsequent characters must either be alphanumeric characters, a period (.), or a dash (-).
created_atstringA time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the firewall was created.
droplet_idsarrayAn array containing the IDs of the Droplets assigned to the firewall.
pending_changesarrayAn array of objects each containing the fields "droplet_id", "removing", and "status". It is provided to detail exactly which Droplets are having their security policies updated. When empty, all changes have been successfully applied.
statusstringA status string indicating the current state of the firewall. This can be "waiting", "succeeded", or "failed".
tagsarrayA flat array of tag names as strings to be applied to the resource. Tag names may be for either existing or new tags.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTfirewall_idTo show information about an existing firewall, send a GET request to /v2/firewalls/$FIREWALL_ID.
listSELECTTo list all of the firewalls available on your account, send a GET request to /v2/firewalls.
createINSERTTo create a new firewall, send a POST request to /v2/firewalls. The request
must contain at least one inbound or outbound access rule.
deleteDELETEfirewall_idTo delete a firewall send a DELETE request to /v2/firewalls/$FIREWALL_ID.

No response body will be sent back, but the response code will indicate
success. Specifically, the response code will be a 204, which means that the
action was successful with no returned body data.
_getEXECfirewall_idTo show information about an existing firewall, send a GET request to /v2/firewalls/$FIREWALL_ID.
_listEXECTo list all of the firewalls available on your account, send a GET request to /v2/firewalls.
updateEXECfirewall_id, data__nameTo update the configuration of an existing firewall, send a PUT request to
/v2/firewalls/$FIREWALL_ID. The request should contain a full representation
of the firewall including existing attributes. Note that any attributes that
are not provided will be reset to their default values.