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idintegerA unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
namestringThe human-readable name set for the Droplet instance.
backup_idsarrayAn array of backup IDs of any backups that have been taken of the Droplet instance. Droplet backups are enabled at the time of the instance creation.
networksobjectThe details of the network that are configured for the Droplet instance. This is an object that contains keys for IPv4 and IPv6. The value of each of these is an array that contains objects describing an individual IP resource allocated to the Droplet. These will define attributes like the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the specific network depending on the type of network it is.
tagsarrayAn array of Tags the Droplet has been tagged with.
volume_idsarrayA flat array including the unique identifier for each Block Storage volume attached to the Droplet.
kernelobjectNote: All Droplets created after March 2017 use internal kernels by default.
These Droplets will have this attribute set to null.

The current kernel
for Droplets with externally managed kernels. This will initially be set to
the kernel of the base image when the Droplet is created.
size_slugstringThe unique slug identifier for the size of this Droplet.
vcpusintegerThe number of virtual CPUs.
created_atstringA time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the Droplet was created.
diskintegerThe size of the Droplet's disk in gigabytes.
lockedbooleanA boolean value indicating whether the Droplet has been locked, preventing actions by users.
next_backup_windowobjectThe details of the Droplet's backups feature, if backups are configured for the Droplet. This object contains keys for the start and end times of the window during which the backup will start.
statusstringA status string indicating the state of the Droplet instance. This may be "new", "active", "off", or "archive".
memoryintegerMemory of the Droplet in megabytes.
featuresarrayAn array of features enabled on this Droplet.
snapshot_idsarrayAn array of snapshot IDs of any snapshots created from the Droplet instance.
vpc_uuidstringA string specifying the UUID of the VPC to which the Droplet is assigned.


NameAccessible byRequired Params