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NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTdatabase_cluster_uuid, database_nameTo show information about an existing database cluster, send a GET request to

Note: Database management is not supported for Redis clusters.

The response will be a JSON object with a db key. This will be set to an object
containing the standard database attributes.
listSELECTdatabase_cluster_uuidTo list all of the databases in a clusters, send a GET request to

The result will be a JSON object with a dbs key. This will be set to an array
of database objects, each of which will contain the standard database attributes.

Note: Database management is not supported for Redis clusters.
addINSERTdatabase_cluster_uuid, data__nameTo add a new database to an existing cluster, send a POST request to

Note: Database management is not supported for Redis clusters.

The response will be a JSON object with a key called db. The value of this will be
an object that contains the standard attributes associated with a database.
deleteDELETEdatabase_cluster_uuid, database_nameTo delete a specific database, send a DELETE request to

A status of 204 will be given. This indicates that the request was processed
successfully, but that no response body is needed.

Note: Database management is not supported for Redis clusters.
_getEXECdatabase_cluster_uuid, database_nameTo show information about an existing database cluster, send a GET request to

Note: Database management is not supported for Redis clusters.

The response will be a JSON object with a db key. This will be set to an object
containing the standard database attributes.
_listEXECdatabase_cluster_uuidTo list all of the databases in a clusters, send a GET request to

The result will be a JSON object with a dbs key. This will be set to an array
of database objects, each of which will contain the standard database attributes.

Note: Database management is not supported for Redis clusters.