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idstringThe unique identifier for the block storage volume.
namestringA human-readable name for the block storage volume. Must be lowercase and be composed only of numbers, letters and "-", up to a limit of 64 characters. The name must begin with a letter.
descriptionstringAn optional free-form text field to describe a block storage volume.
filesystem_typestringThe type of filesystem currently in-use on the volume.
created_atstringA time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the block storage volume was created.
tagsarrayA flat array of tag names as strings to be applied to the resource. Tag names may be for either existing or new tags.
droplet_idsarrayAn array containing the IDs of the Droplets the volume is attached to. Note that at this time, a volume can only be attached to a single Droplet.
regionobjectThe region that the block storage volume is located in. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a block storage volume, the entire region object will be returned.
filesystem_labelstringThe label currently applied to the filesystem.
size_gigabytesintegerThe size of the block storage volume in GiB (1024^3).


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTvolume_idTo show information about a block storage volume, send a GET request to /v2/volumes/$VOLUME_ID.

listSELECTTo list all of the block storage volumes available on your account, send a GET request to /v2/volumes.
## Filtering Results
### By Region
The region may be provided as query parameter in order to restrict results to volumes available in a specific region. For example: /v2/volumes?region=nyc1
### By Name
It is also possible to list volumes on your account that match a specified name. To do so, send a GET request with the volume's name as a query parameter to /v2/volumes?name=$VOLUME_NAME.
Note: You can only create one volume per region with the same name.
### By Name and Region
It is also possible to retrieve information about a block storage volume by name. To do so, send a GET request with the volume's name and the region slug for the region it is located in as query parameters to /v2/volumes?name=$VOLUME_NAME&region=nyc1.

createINSERTTo create a new volume, send a POST request to /v2/volumes. Optionally, a filesystem_type attribute may be provided in order to automatically format the volume's filesystem. Pre-formatted volumes are automatically mounted when attached to Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Fedora Atomic, and CentOS Droplets created on or after April 26, 2018. Attaching pre-formatted volumes to Droplets without support for auto-mounting is not recommended.
deleteDELETEvolume_idTo delete a block storage volume, destroying all data and removing it from your account, send a DELETE request to /v2/volumes/$VOLUME_ID.
No response body will be sent back, but the response code will indicate success. Specifically, the response code will be a 204, which means that the action was successful with no returned body data.

delete_byNameDELETEBlock storage volumes may also be deleted by name by sending a DELETE request with the volume's name and the region slug for the region it is located in as query parameters to /v2/volumes?name=$VOLUME_NAME&region=nyc1.
No response body will be sent back, but the response code will indicate success. Specifically, the response code will be a 204, which means that the action was successful with no returned body data.

_getEXECvolume_idTo show information about a block storage volume, send a GET request to /v2/volumes/$VOLUME_ID.

_listEXECTo list all of the block storage volumes available on your account, send a GET request to /v2/volumes.
## Filtering Results
### By Region
The region may be provided as query parameter in order to restrict results to volumes available in a specific region. For example: /v2/volumes?region=nyc1
### By Name
It is also possible to list volumes on your account that match a specified name. To do so, send a GET request with the volume's name as a query parameter to /v2/volumes?name=$VOLUME_NAME.
Note: You can only create one volume per region with the same name.
### By Name and Region
It is also possible to retrieve information about a block storage volume by name. To do so, send a GET request with the volume's name and the region slug for the region it is located in as query parameters to /v2/volumes?name=$VOLUME_NAME&region=nyc1.