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SELECT not supported for this resource, use SHOW METHODS to view available operations for the resource and then invoke a supported method using the EXEC command


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
create_rollbackINSERTapp_idRollback an app to a previous deployment. A new deployment will be created to perform the rollback.
The app will be pinned to the rollback deployment preventing any new deployments from being created,
either manually or through Auto Deploy on Push webhooks. To resume deployments, the rollback must be
either committed or reverted.

It is recommended to use the Validate App Rollback endpoint to double check if the rollback is
valid and if there are any warnings.
commit_rollbackEXECapp_idCommit an app rollback. This action permanently applies the rollback and unpins the app to resume new deployments.
revert_rollbackEXECapp_idRevert an app rollback. This action reverts the active rollback by creating a new deployment from the
latest app spec prior to the rollback and unpins the app to resume new deployments.
validate_rollbackEXECapp_idCheck whether an app can be rolled back to a specific deployment. This endpoint can also be used
to check if there are any warnings or validation conditions that will cause the rollback to proceed
under unideal circumstances. For example, if a component must be rebuilt as part of the rollback
causing it to take longer than usual.