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Creates, updates, deletes, gets or lists a clusters_credentials resource.




certificate_authority_datastringA base64 encoding of bytes representing the certificate authority data for accessing the cluster.
client_certificate_datastringA base64 encoding of bytes representing the x509 client certificate data for access the cluster. This is only returned for clusters without support for token-based authentication. Newly created Kubernetes clusters do not return credentials using certificate-based authentication. For additional information, see here.
client_key_datastringA base64 encoding of bytes representing the x509 client key data for access the cluster. This is only returned for clusters without support for token-based authentication. Newly created Kubernetes clusters do not return credentials using certificate-based authentication. For additional information, see here.
expires_atstringA time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the access token expires.
serverstringThe URL used to access the cluster API server.
tokenstringAn access token used to authenticate with the cluster. This is only returned for clusters with support for token-based authentication.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
kubernetes_get_credentialsSELECTcluster_idThis endpoint returns a JSON object . It can be used to programmatically construct Kubernetes clients which cannot parse kubeconfig files. The resulting JSON object contains token-based authentication for clusters supporting it, and certificate-based authentication otherwise. For a list of supported versions and more information, see "How to Connect to a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster". To retrieve credentials for accessing a Kubernetes cluster, send a GET request to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/credentials. Clusters supporting token-based authentication may define an expiration by passing a duration in seconds as a query parameter to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/credentials?expiry_seconds=$DURATION_IN_SECONDS. If not set or 0, then the token will have a 7 day expiry. The query parameter has no impact in certificate-based authentication.

SELECT examples

This endpoint returns a JSON object . It can be used to programmatically construct Kubernetes clients which cannot parse kubeconfig files. The resulting JSON object contains token-based authentication for clusters supporting it, and certificate-based authentication otherwise. For a list of supported versions and more information, see "How to Connect to a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster". To retrieve credentials for accessing a Kubernetes cluster, send a GET request to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/credentials. Clusters supporting token-based authentication may define an expiration by passing a duration in seconds as a query parameter to /v2/kubernetes/clusters/$K8S_CLUSTER_ID/credentials?expiry_seconds=$DURATION_IN_SECONDS. If not set or 0, then the token will have a 7 day expiry. The query parameter has no impact in certificate-based authentication.

FROM digitalocean.kubernetes.clusters_credentials
WHERE cluster_id = '{{ cluster_id }}';